Home page of the Marie Curie ITN - Brest team 

Marie Curie Initial Training Network (ITN)

Call: FP7-PEOPLE-2007-1-1-ITN, no. 213841-2

Deterministic and Stochastic Controlled Systems and Applications

Brest Team

As the project runs to its end, there are no more available positions.

List of PhD Student recruited within the network:

In 2008, a first recruitment campaign was done with a total of 9 PhD positions. The list of the first recruitments is available here.
The second recruitment campaign was launched in May 2009 and October 2009, with 7 PhD full positions and two co-directed PhD position. You could find the second recruitment list here.

More information on the Brest team:

Members of the Brest team
Training programme in Brest
Available positions in our network   How to contact us ?